Privacy Policy

We know that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. Our privacy policy lets you know what information we collect, and how we protect it. All operations that take place within our website are encrypted and, therefore, cannot be accessed by others. 

In other words, the information is encoded before being transmitted and it’s stored in an internal environment, which is exclusive to our team. 

We are committed to ensuring privacy in the provision of our services and we guarantee the confidentiality of our customers’ informations obtained through purchases, or any other service, in our website. 

Rio 40 ° guarantees that any payment data relating to our customers will not be distributed, disclosed, assigned or commercialized under any circumstances.

Which information do we collect and why?

  • Name and surname;
  • Natural person or legal entity
  • Sex;
  • Complete address;
  • Cell phone
  • Email address;
  • Payment data;

All of this information is necessary for issuing the invoice, sending the product, contacting and identifying the buyer, if necessary, during the purchase process.

This data will be safe in our system and will not be transmitted to others, except under the conditions provided, where the information is also used for the delivery and collection process, in order to facilitate the client’s operations.

It is important to note that your personal data is mandatory in order for your order to be forwarded to your address, according to our delivery time. For this data to remain intact, do not disclose your password to others.


When filling out a form on our website, you will be able to choose the option to save your name, email and website in cookies. Cookies are small files recorded on your computer, they follow your browsing as a user, making it easier and faster to fill in your data when making a new purchase.

Login cookies are kept for two days and screen option cookies last for one year. If you select “remember me”, your access will be maintained for two weeks. If you log out, login cookies will be removed.

Additional Information

If you have any questions, you can contact us by email, or by phone: +55 21 98137-0339. We are always available to assist you, during business hours, from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 6 pm (GMT-3).

Rio 40 ° Cachaça Team.